Title: Darkest Dungeon®: Ancestral Edition Genre: Indie, RPG, Strategy Developer: Red Hook Studios, Stuart Chatwood Publisher: Red Hook Studios Franchise: Darkest Dungeon This way you don't have to clutter your inventory with them until the end of the dungeon to get said entry unlocked. Stacking Inventory is a mod that turns the values for several items for it to be able to be stacked and so it doesn’t need to eat up your inventory.
is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod.
Darkest Night, Brightest Dawn Released 2016 Roguelike. Dungeons Plus adds 7 new dungeons to the game with maps to guide you on a journey between them. Now available on the steam workshop! Visit the steam page README: Please visit the link below for change list. Hacking (MOD Showcase) Darkest Dungeon Reborn (BETA Video gameplay) SupermanSnake Sony PS Vita Replies 2 Views 2K.